Is Your HVAC System Energy Efficient? Here's How to Find Out

Are you curious if your current HVAC system is energy efficient? You're not alone. Many homeowners are looking for ways to reduce their energy bills and make their homes more eco-friendly. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to determine if your HVAC system is energy efficient. The first step is to look for ENERGY STAR certification.

This certification ensures that your air conditioning unit has at least a 14.5 SEER; gas ovens have an AFUE of at least 90%, and oil furnaces have at least 85%. Air conditioning units with the ENERGY STAR label can save you 20% or more on your energy bills. The next step is to understand the SEER of your air conditioner. SEER stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio.

This rating measures the energy efficiency of an air conditioning or air conditioning system. It is a measure of the output of the unit in a normal cooling station in relation to the amount of energy used over that time. You should also check your monthly energy bills. Unless your utility company has raised your gas or electric rates, or you've recently installed another appliance that consumes a lot of energy, monthly costs should be fairly constant from year to year.

If charges have skyrocketed, it's an obvious indicator that your air conditioning system is wasting energy, which can happen when components have to work harder to meet demand. Finally, consider replacing an old HVAC system with a high-efficiency one. Today's stricter seasonal energy efficiency index (SEER) requirements mean that replacing a 10-year-old HVAC system with a high-efficiency system will result in immediate savings in operating costs.

Jeffrey Rivadulla
Jeffrey Rivadulla

Infuriatingly humble food fan. Hardcore beer geek. Professional bacon advocate. Wannabe social mediaholic. Extreme zombie geek. Award-winning zombie geek.